Criterion 8: Energy efficiency
- (#9738) Building Typology
- (#9737) CPM-Cooling Plant
- (#8937) DG and transformers to be BEE star rate in GRIHA compliance.
- (#8935) If the Lighting Load - External lighting load, Basement area artificial lighting and HVAC load and equipment loads like BHS, Water treatment plant, STP, Escalator/Elevators, PBB,UPS etc. is considered for EPI calculation
- (#8810) Percentage of energy saving achieved through various GRIHA rating variants
- (#8519) EPI benchmark for mixed use building
- Building Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor for partly conditioned building
- (#8624) ECBC compliance for project registered under GRIHA v3
- (#8614) Does domestic hot water consumption have to be considered in EPI calculation?
- (#8587) How can EPI for multiple buildings be calculated?
- (#8583) Basement area loads in EPI calculation.
- (#8576) Peak heat gain calculation for mixed use project.
- (#8557) EPI and renewable energy requirements for project with multiple buildings
- (#8495) HVAC and lighting load consideration for areas under tenant’s scope.
- (#8426) Duct location to be considered for ductwork insulation.
- (#8324) Unmet hours for EPI calculation
- (#8320) EPI and Envelope Peak heat gain thresholds for partially conditioned building
- (#8281) LPD value consideration for base case EPI calculation using Resbuild
- (#8281) WWR consideration for base case and design case EPI calculation using Resbuild
- (#8281) Can ResBuild tool be used for EPI calculations for residential buildings?
- (#8272) Whether the SCADA room be considered for EPI calculations?
- (#8269) Inclusion of staircase and restrooms in EPI calculations
- (#8174) Power rating for air-cooled VRF system
- (#8232) System losses requirement in GRIHA
- (#771) Load losses for Transformer with Thermal Insulation class A or C
- (#533) Data Center in mixed use buildings
- (#8197) Building Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor and EPI threshold for cold climate in GRIHA v2015
- (#8162) Installing DC motor fans in place of BEE star rated fans
- (#8157)Deduction of rooftop solar panel area from ground coverage in thermal envelope calculation.
- (#8036) Campus level transformer ECBC compliance