Criterion 9: Renewable energy utilization
- (#8635) Solar water heating system for renewable energy offset
- (#8631) Percentage of renewable energy offset for a mixed use project
- (#8540) Renewable energy compliance using solar farm within project complex
- (#8452) Renewable-energy Based Hot Water System- non applicability
- (#8447) Sodium oxide fuel cell as a renewable energy source.
- (#8540) Renewable energy compliance using solar farm within project complex
- (#8423) Version compliance for percentage offset using renewable energy.
- (#7970) Solar PV installation on-site
- (#559)Solar hot water calculation
- The project is mixed use type consisting of a hotel block (24hr occupancy), service apartments(24 hrs occupancy) and retail part( 12 hrs occupancy). In this case, what percentage of HVAC and lighting load needs to be consider to achieve respective points
- What should be the minimum number of years that RECs should be purchased for to comply with Criterion 18?
- Can the project claim points In criterion 19 GRIHA Version 3, for installing SWH even though the hot water requirement is less than 500 lt/day?
- Can a Solar PV System installed within an institutional campus boundary be considered towards GRIHA compliance?
- How can a project comply with the mandatory requirement in Criterion 18 of GRIHA v3, in case of phase wise construction?
- Is it mandatory to consider solar PV system to meet 1% of the total lighting and AC connected load?
- Should parking and external lighting be considered in internal lighting load while planning solar PV installation?
- Is solar water heating system mandatory under GRIHA 2015?
- Can the renewable energy generated by the renewable energy system installed on site, only be used to power lighting and space conditioning loads?
- According to Criterion 18, RECs should be purchased to offset 100% building energy demand at least for 2 years. Will the client need to purchase RECs after the 2 years?
- If BIPV is proposed for Southern walls, then will it be treated as transparent or opaque for WWR calculation?
- Is criterion 18 (GRIHA Version 3): Renewable energy utilization, non-applicable for a multiple housing project? How will these points be considered?
- Can a project get points if the renewable energy generated on site is being supplied to the grid?
- Can I get all points in criterion 18 (GRIHA Version 3) by off-site renewable energy installation?
- Is installation of Renewable Energy on-site mandatory for Residential Buildings (Criterion 09 GRIHA 2015)?
- Can a centralized PV plant of a campus be considered for a GRIHA registered building located on the same campus?
- Can we purchase renewable energy from outside of India or it has to be from Indian market only?
- Would it feasible to go for a single rating for the project or a split rating for part 01 (commercial and IT park) and part 02 (residential) to achieve points in renewable energy criterion under GRIHA rating.