Criterion 18: Rainwater recharge
- (#8526) Groundwater level testing on contoured site
- (#8479) Non-applicability for ground water recharge
- (#8462) Demonstrating non-applicability for ground water recharge
- (#8364) Rain water recharge using peak hourly rainfall.
- (#8135) Sizing of RWH system
- (#8206) Multiple queries for project with large rocky site area
- (#8190) Unavailability of peak hourly rainfall data
- (#560)Rain water Harvesting and Conservation Manual methodology
- Percent of rainwater to be recharged
- Rainfall data for rain water harvesting calculation
- Rain water reuse and recharge
- Kindly provide the peak hourly rainfall data for Delhi & Gangtok.
- Does the builder need to supply following things for attaining 3 star pre certification : 1) solar thermal system 2) garbage chute 3) rain water harvesting
- What documents are needed to demonstrate non- applicability in Criterion 21 (GRIHA Version 03)?