Does the builder need to supply following things for attaining 3 star pre certification : 1) solar thermal system 2) garbage chute 3) rain water harvesting


Does the builder need to supply  following things for  attaining  3 star pre certification :
1) solar thermal system  (Criterion 19, GRIHA Version 3)
2) garbage chute   (Criterion 24, GRIHA Version 3)
3) rain water harvesting (Criterion 21, GRIHA Version 3)


Solar water panels, garbage chute and rain water harvesting shall contribute towards achieving GRIHA rating. However, none of these compliances are mandatory.
The rating is based on 100 points out of which only a few are mandatory. The owner may choose to apply rest of the points based on the targeted rating. You may refer the self-evaluation checklist (GRIHA Version 3 in this case) at for list of requirements, mandatory and non-mandatory.
You may also download and read GRIHA Volume 1 from the compendium on the website.


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