GRIHA for Existing Buildings (EB)
Criterion 1: Accessibility to Basic Services
Criterion 2: Microclimatic Impact
Criterion 3: Maintenance, Green Procurement and Waste Management
Criterion 4: Metering & Monitoring
- (#8987) GRIHA(EB) manual, it is mentioned to use Digital water meter as mandatory metering.
- (#8956) GRIHA EB manual states to "install one-way communicable smart meters and monitoring system
- (#8051) Water meter at STP
- (#7821) Basic and extended metering requirements
- (#7816) Advance metering requirement
- How two way communication system work by GRIHA?
Criterion 5: Energy Efficiency
- (#8197) Equipment and meters under tenants scope in existing building
- (#8194) Submission requirement for energy consumption
- Please explani no cost EEMs, in apprasial 5.1.2
- Do we have to do calibrated energy simulations for the Energy credits? Or just implement the ECM's?
- Are points awarded for use of emission reduction from diesel generators by the use of emission control technologies?
- What is EEm's?