Criterion 19: Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure
- (#8567) Replacement of OPC with fly-ash in Grade slab and definition of structural work.
- (#8566) Documents required if AAC blocks are being used in a project.
- (#8241) Low energy materials in differnt categories
- (#8233) Procedure to calculate the total percentage of cement replaced with fly ash
- (#485) Solar PV for Hot water generation
- (#588)Is recycled Aggregate considered BIS recommended waste?
- Use of recycled aggregates in building structure.
- Use of waste material in building structure
- What is the percentage of conventional red bricks that is allowed in criterion 19?
- Will using 6 mm sand cement plaster and 6 mm gypsum plaster with wall putty impact GRIHA norms?
- Except for a small part of the building, AAC blocks are used for all the wall constructions. Are we eligible for points under Criterion 15 of GRIHA v3?
- Is Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) accepted as a waste material in GRIHA?
- The structural engineer of a particular project states that fly ash bricks as per GRIHA’s specification are not available in market. So how can be Criterion 15 (GRIHA Version 03) complied with?
- In Criterion 15 (GRIHA Version 03), the calculation of fly ash content needs to be done based on weight or volume?
- Can Ground granulated blast furnace slag be used in Criterion 15 (GRIHA Version 03)?