Criterion 14: Use of low flow fixtures and systems
- (#8622) Can bib-cocks with aerators be used as a low-flow fixture?
- (#8070) Flow rates of plumbing fixture with aerators
- (#795)Building occupancy calculation
- (#713)Online calculator is not equipped to handle the project complexities
- What is the number of uses to be considered in criterion 14 ( Use of low flow fixtures and systems) of GRIHA Version 2015?
- What are the baseline flow rates for water fixtures and flush fixtures for GRIHA Version 2015?
- What is the design pressure for faucets and flush fixtures?
- What should be the number of uses for various water fixtures in a Commercial project?
- What is the baseline criterion of water use for Indian WC's flush in Criterion 11 (GRIHA Version 03)?
- How can a builder make sure that the tenants follow requirements of Criterion 11 (GRIHA Version 03) in their leased apartments?