Online Panel
- (#8512) Revision of built-up area on online panel
- (#8511) Uploading documents on GRIHA panel
- (#811) Compliance report trigger mail
- (#8128) Multiple building appraisal mismatch
- Where is the compliance report submitted in response to the due diligence report of GRIHA Council?
- When I login for uploading project documentation, the following message is displayed: No buildings are available / active. No criteria are visible on the panel, so how can I start uploading the documents?
- Is it possible to do changes in the checklist once it has been saved on the GRIHA online panel?
- How are the documents uploaded online?
- Can the client access the web panel with project detail? If yes, then what is the process?
- We have logged in for the first time after registration. Please let us know how to access individual criterion for preparing the documentation as per project requirement.