We have logged in for the first time after registration. Please let us know how to access individual criterion for preparing the documentation as per project requirement.


We have logged in for the first time after registration. Please let us know how to access individual criterion for preparing the documentation as per project requirement.



You are required to input the number of buildings and their individual built up area on the home page of the project login. There are 2 options after filling the information: save and submit. Keep on saving the information till the time the information (i.e. the number of buildings and their respective area) is not final. Once you are certain the information will not change then you can submit it. The criteria forms are generated in relation to the number of buildings and the site specific criteria only after the information is submitted. The process is also available in video format on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCg-CgUT-Zc)


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