Criterion 13: Use of low VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors
- (#8613) VOC content for melamine acoustic panels.
- (#8075) 3rd party certificate for low VOC content
- What is the percentage of VOC in paints to be considered a low VOC paint?
- Is there any norm of VOC for Carpets?
- Are there any norms of VOC for the Vinyl print (multi-color graphics) to be pasted on partition?
- Is there any VOC limit to be followed for Grout?
- Is there any VOC limit to be followed for polish to be applied for wooden surface?
- What should be the VOC limit for ’adhesive' used to apply Vinyl flooring?
- How can a developer make sure that the tenants will follow GRIHA requirements?
- Is it mandatory for the VOC values of exterior paints to comply with Criterion 26 (GRIHA Version 03)