How can a developer make sure that the tenants will follow GRIHA requirements?


The project is a core & shell development and spaces will be leased out to tenants. All the toilets in the leased area shall be developed by respective tenants. How will Criterion 17 & 26 (GRIHA Version 03) be addressed in such areas?


With respect to the upcoming core and shell development, it is recommended to include low-VOC paints as part of the tenant contract documents. This will provide the tenants the thresholds (with respect to materials used in interiors) according to which they can get their interior spaces designed. Along with the contract documents, the tenants can be provided with additional information which will assist them in ensuring compliance with the norms. Some of the suggested documents are mentioned below:
1. Brochures of approved vendors of various paints with low VOC paints highlighted.


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