(#554)WWR compliance for Airport Buildings



It is a mandatory requirement from Airport Authority of India that they need to be give front side fully glass facade. But they have also provided enough shade on front/back glass and taken SHGC of glass below 0.25. Is WWR>60% on one façade acceptable for airport projects?



The project can adopt any of the following strategies depending on the GRIHA version which the project complies with.

GRIHA Version 3: The project's overall WWR must be less than 60% as per ECBC.

GRIHA Version 2015: As mentioned in our manual, Alternative 1: The project's overall WWR must be less than 60% as per ECBC.

Alternative 2: Demonstrate compliance as per the day light autonomy (DA) requirements as mentioned in appraisal 11.1.1

Please refer clause 11.1.1. (GRIHA V 2015 manual: http://www.grihaindia.org/files/GRIHA_V2015_May2016.pdf)


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