Can you please share an example of embodied calculation stating the base case particulars.
Consider an example of a conventional building. The following quantities were calculated for different building elements:
Total quantity of concrete = 3000 m3
Total quantity of steel = 100 m3
Total quantity of blockwork = 2000 m3
Now by replacing red clay bricks with Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks(CSEB), the volume of materials will get reduced (a supporting STAD Pro calculation report has to be submitted) for the same structure requirements. The total quantity of concrete was reduced by 28% and the total quantity of steel was increased by 0.5 %
The following quantities were calculated for different building elements after replacement of red clay bricks with CSEB:
Total quantity of concrete = 2160 m3
Total quantity of steel required for design case = 100.5 m3
Embodied Energy values considered were as follows(supporting reference papers have to be submitted):
Concrete- 2530 MJ / m3
Steel- 471600 MJ / m3
Red Clay bricks- 2514 MJ / m3
CSEB blocks- 595 MJ / m3
Base case embodied energy = (2530 x 3000) + (471600 x 100) + (2514 x 2000) = 59778000 MJ
Design case embodied energy = (2530 x 2160) + (471600 x 100.5) + (595 x 2000)= 54050600 MJ
Total reduction in combined embodied energy of load-bearing structure and masonry walls is
{(59778000 – 54050600) / 59778000} x 100 = 9.5%