1. If there is food court and kitchen in the atrium of the building and inner circulation area (corridors), are these areas required to meet daylight compliance?
2. Can artificial lighting simulations be done in Ecotect?
Kindly refer the following link : https://grihaservice.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207986125-Is-it-mandatory-to-meet-SHGC-compliance-for-display-windows-in-a-mall-How-can-compliance-with-day-lit-zone-and-day-light-factor-be-demonstrated-in-a-mall-
1. Food court, kitchens areas, corridors etc. have to demonstrate compliance for daylight (DF is to be met as per thresholds defined) . You may choose the thresholds based upon spaces with similar function.
2. Artificial lighting simulations performed in ECOTECT are not acceptable in GRIHA.