The project wants to show compliance with Criterion 13, "Over-design of lighting system is avoided and lighting levels shall meet NBC 2005" clause through on-site measurement of artificial lighting.
Please confirm if the following method is correct to show compliance.
1) Illuminance should be measured in lux
2) The measurement should be taken at 30 inches or 0.75m height (i.e. work plan height) at 10 ft. x 10 ft. grid.
3) All lights should be switched on and the blinds drawn down to measure only the artificial lights.
4) Light meter should be calibrated
Please confirm if the measurement needs to be taken in the non-regularly occupied spaces.
1) Illuminance should be measured in lux
Ans: Yes
2) The measurement should be taken at 30 inches or 0.75m height (i.e. work plan height) at 10 ft. x 10 ft. grid.
Ans: Yes
3) All lights should be switched on and the blinds drawn down to measure only the artificial lights.
Ans: Yes
4) Light meter should be calibrated
Ans: Yes (please submit calibration certificate for the light meter)
Yes, the measurement needs to be taken in the non-regularly occupied spaces also.