If we opt for Alternative 2 of Criterion 11, do we need to comply with ECBC mandatory requirement for SHGC and U value of glass?


As per our design, the SHGC of GLASS is 0.3 having WWR of 55% and we would like to opt for Alternative 2 approach to comply with criterion 11. If we opt for Alternative 2, do we still need to comply with ECBC mandatory requirement for SHGC and U value of GLASS?


If you opt for Alternative 2, meeting SHGC requirement is not mandatory. U value is not a mandatory requirement in ECBC.

However, please note that no relaxation in the mean Daylight Autonomy (300 lux minimum or 3000 lux maximum) requirements will be provided. You may note that, if there is direct sunlight entering the space from the window, the lux levels will be more than 7000 and the project will not meet the mandatory requirement. Further, you will need to provide Daylight Autonomy simulation to demonstrate compliance. Conventional simulation will not be accepted


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