How to calculate reduction in embodied energy of building to demonstrate compliance with Criterion 20 of GRIHA Rating?


How to calculate reduction in embodied energy of building to demonstrate compliance with Criterion 20 of GRIHA Rating?


For projects registered in GRIHA version 3, please refer the detailed procedure along with examples given in the GRIHA version 3 manual.

There are some minor changes in the way embodied energy is being calculated in the new version - GRIHA V 2015, so for projects registered in this new version please refer the GRIHA V 2015 manual available online on GRIHA webpage -

A excel base tool for both versions is attached below, which gives the value of embodied energy of material as a output by putting the values of input parameters such as quantity of material and embodied energy number.

Note -
Quantity considered in base case and design case needs to be validated.
For design case - copy of BOQ/PO required.
For base case - analysis/calculations indicating the quantity assumed with assumptions.


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