It was discussed during DD3 that since, it is a large campus development with many buildings and hence, it is a major cost factor to install digital meters at each building level. Since, the buildings are done by various architects and stakeholders, it was not possible to go for GRIHA LD rating as there was no comprehensive masterplan. Hence, the project team has requested to allow us to install meters at cluster level. Analogue meters are already installed for domestic and flushing water consumption at each building level. We are already metering through digital meters, the municipal inlet, STP outlet, WTP and HVAC at site level.
Since, this is a government funded building, please let us know if we can install digital meters at cluster levels combining academic buildings, residential buildings, etc.
As per the mandatory requirement project team needs to ensure regular monitoring of project’s water consumption by installing digital meters at the following point sources at the project level for:
• Municipal Supply
• Bore well
• Treated water outlet from STP
• Captured rainwater
• Each building level