(#8977) The project has proposed to use 2845 TR Centralized Chilled water system in the Enclosed Mall, Commercial Loft (Studio Apartment & Offices) & Multiplex spaces.


The project has proposed to use 2845 TR Centralized Chilled water system in the Enclosed Mall, Commercial Loft (Studio Apartment & Offices) & Multiplex spaces. The project has proposed to provide the separate Energy Meter for the chiller and it is integrated with the BMS system, which will control and monitor the HVAC equipment's. Is it required to install BTU meter in the project to attempt points under the Extended Metering Requirements.


To meet the extended energy metering compliance requirement digital energy meters to be installed at the following points to monitor energy consumption: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning central plant: Air handling units, Cooling towers, Air cooled and water cooled chillers [British thermal unit meters/multifunction metering Distributed units (VRV/split/window ACs).


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