(#8917) Soil fertility test report


Part 1 - Soil fertility test report obtained from an NABL accredited lab indicates that the fertility of soil is low, however there is no remarks in the test report stating that the said soil cannot be made fertile by organic means. In this case what additional document needs to be submitted to claim non-applicability.

Part 2 - Will soil fertility test reports from NABL accredited labs be accepted to demonstrate compliance.




Part 1 - In order to claim non applicability, the project team needs to submit a letter from their landscape architect/consultant stating that the soil cannot be made fertile by organic means along with the topsoil fertility report. In addition to this, the project team needs to submit the soil fertility test reports from NABL accredited labs.

Part 2 - Yes, soil fertility test reports from NABL accredited labs are accepted. In addition to this, the project team needs to submit the above-mentioned documents as well.


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