If the SHGC value for a particular façade is little less than the other facades, then is it possible to ignore the value and follow any of the remaining façade values for the whole building?


In a project, the effective SHGC value of glass obtained through calculations on the North side is 0.49 and the other orientations have a value of 0.64 and 0.76. The client requires a Clear Glass (Single Glazing), but a minimum SHGC value of 0.59 Clear Glass is available. Is there any possibility of ignoring the North SHGC value and taking a 0.59 SHGC Clear Glass for the complete building?


 No, it cannot be ignored. In GRIHA criterion 13, GRIHA Version 3.1, compliance through shading is allowed. The project can demonstrate compliance through following those shading requirements.  It’s mandatory for all the fenestration to meet the SHGC requirement of ECBC-2007. Failing to comply with this clause will result in the project disqualifying for GRIHA rating.  Link to shading requirements: http://www.grihaindia.org/index.php?option=com_news&view=newsd&limitstart=0&order=&title=&id=369&t=news_and_updates#detail


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