Our building is going to be occupied only during early morning and late evening. Hence, the effect of increasing SHGC is insignificant on the project's EPI. As per Criterion 13 (GRIHA Version 3), the SHGC required for our project is 0.25. Can the project opt for glass of SHGC 0.32?
No, it is not necessary for the project to use a glass of SHGC 0.25. However, a project must demonstrate compliance with this clause either through the effective SHGC calculation as per the GRIHA Manual Vol. 3, table no. 02, which takes into account the effect of shading on the glass; or any alternative compliance method as mentioned in revised appraisal clause 13.1 of GRIHA Version 3. (Please refer the V 3.1 document for details http://www.grihaindia.org/index.php?option=com_news&view=newsd&limitstart=0&order=&title=&id=369&t=news_and_updates#detail)
*It is mandatory for all fenestrations to meet the SHGC requirement of ECBC-2007. Failing to comply with this clause will result in the project disqualifying for GRIHA rating.